Dear beloved Co-Women community,
It is with a heavy heart and great sadness to announce that due to reduced demand in services here at Co-Women, in response to government advice on social distancing, my service-based business has taken a hit. I have found myself in a position where I am having to consider alternative options to best serve my clients.
Therefore, until further notice the coworking space is closed, and all events scheduled for the next two weeks will be postponed.
Anyone who knows me and has been around me during the last four months of building Co-Women will feel my pain but will also know that I am resourceful and scrappy!
All small businesses are facing real crisis and your compassion is really appreciated. Please consider not asking for an event ticket refund or coworking space refund. You will be offered alternative dates for these. However, you are of course fully entitled to a refund if you wish.
Here is my chance to bring a smile and give away some FREEBIES!
a. FOUR FREE coworking days per month – value £72
b. FREE access to all events.
c. UNLIMITED guest blog posts.
d. Listing in the directory and access to the directory.
e. Discounts on other members products and services.
f. Members only events.
g. Skill swap forum.
I am upgrading all current standard memberships to include two months’ worth of premium benefits. This means two months’ worth of benefits to be used at any time during the duration of your membership from when normal services resume. Anyone who does not currently have membership, can sign up before the end of March and take advantage of the same upgrade.
This is an incredible offer at just £10 per month and signing up takes just a couple of minutes. Sign up here
Consultancy via Zoom.
I am offering event planning and consultancy via Zoom. Now is the perfect time to start planning your big event so that you’re ready to roll it out once normal service has resumed, and the Coronavirus is but a memory. To find out how I can help you get clear on your big event idea, feel free to drop me an email to jo@co-women.org
Events are changing.
I plan to take events online where feasible or postpone them to a date in the future. I will keep you updated regularly as plans evolve.
I’ve welcomed over 30 superwomen through the doors since my home from home coworking space opened just a couple of months ago. I’m terribly sad that I can not offer this beautiful space at this moment in time. I am utilising this quiet time to plan additional benefits to create an even more beautiful environment to return to when services resume. In the meantime, I am working with an idea to hold virtual coworking sessions. These will be announced in due course.
Continuing talks with Rise.
I am in continuing talks with our partner, the domestic abuse charity Rise and how we can best support them during this time. Undoubtedly, the number of domestic abuse cases WILL increase, due to stress, financial strain, children at home and families in isolation.
As talks continue, I will keep the Co-Women community updated. Essentially, they will need the funding for additional supportive services. I will be working on fundraising ideas to support them.
I’m genuinely so very thankful for the support you’ve shown Co-Women since the launch just four months ago and continue to show even in these times. I sincerely hope you are gaining benefit from being a part of the tribe, have enjoyed the services available and have formed friendships with other superwomen here.
Please know that I’m deeply passionate about this community. I’m flooded with ideas for how we might all support each other over the coming months including virtual troubleshooting sessions and online social gatherings.
This community is very much all about YOU. Your feedback is so welcome and I would love to hear your ideas, comments and suggestions for how Co-Women might continue to serve you. Please do get in touch because I love hearing from you.
I am thinking of you all and sending heaps of positive thought, encouragement and strength.
With sincerest wishes,
Jo x
PS Please look out for my next blog coming very soon on survival tips for those working in the event industry.
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